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Introducing Dina Capuano

Recently, Dina Capuano became the new Lake Placid Center coordinator. With 28 years of experience in education, she has developed a passion for leading others, as well as building strong relationships with them.

For the first eight years of her teaching career, she taught grades K-2 in Broward County, then soon after at Lake Placid Elementary. In 2015, she taught grades 6 through 8 at Lake Placid Middle School, where she remained for five years. She then became the guidance resource teacher at the Kindergarten Learning Center and, in 2022, when the Center became the Sebring Pre-K Center, she took on the role as the district’s voluntary pre-K (VPK) liaison.

She has lived in Lake Placid for almost 20 years with her husband Chris and their kids Anna, Jenna, and Anthony. Outside of daily walks with their three dogs, her life is filled with traveling, family, reading, and spending time at the beach. We wanted to know more about her:

Tell us what your new job entails. What will you be doing as Lake Placid Center coordinator?
As the Lake Placid coordinator, I will be managing the daily operations of all things at the Center. I will advise dual-enrollment and traditional students. I also look forward to creating an atmosphere where all students feel welcome and are given opportunities to be successful.

What attracted you to this job? And to working for SFSC?
Throughout my 28 years in education, I have worn many different hats, across many different grade levels. The idea of being able to advise, guide, and mentor students through the last phase of their education was just what I needed at this point in my career. Knowing that I could do it in Lake Placid made it even better.

Tell us about your education.
I earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education through a partnered “grow your own” program with Florida Atlantic University and the School Board of Broward County. Along with my degree, I have certifications and endorsements for Primary Education, Gifted, ESOL, Reading, and Language Arts 6 through 9.

What did you enjoy the most about teaching in the school systems?
I became a teacher to care for, connect with, and teach children. Working in the school system, especially in Lake Placid, has allowed me to do this in a way I never expected. The 4- and 5-year-olds I taught in VPK and kindergarten became the students I taught Language Arts and History to in middle school. Those same students have now become the students I’m advising for college. There isn’t anything better than knowing I have been able to see “my kids” through from beginning to end.

What did your jobs as Guidance Resource Teacher while at the Kindergarten Learning Center and as the district VPK Liaison entail?
Both of these positions required me to work closely with state entities outside the school district. Guidance resource involved identifying factors that were inhibiting a child from being successful and then advising parents with strategies and resources to help their child improve. The position also provided the opportunity to receive a Certificate in Trauma and Resilience Level 1 and 2 through Florida State University, which in turn gave me the tools to help students regulate their emotions. As the VPK liaison, I managed all required documentation through the state portal, was a resource coach to the district’s VPK teachers, and served as acting administrator when needed.

What skills and experiences are you bringing with you, from your earlier days in education, to college students?
One of the biggest things I learned throughout my years in education is that supporting someone comes down to being an active listener, acknowledging what they are experiencing, and then guiding them to find direction to a positive outcome. It’s also important to promote a sense of belonging and collaborate effectively, so everyone involved contributes to enhancing the overall student experience. An added bonus is that I got to walk alongside my two daughters who were dual enrolled, went on to the University of South Florida and the University of Central Florida, and, within the last year, earned their bachelor’s degrees.

What activities do you participate in within the community?
Since I live in Lake Placid, I worked at Lake Placid Elementary School and Lake Placid Middle School, and our kids attended all the Lake Placid schools. For the last 20 years, my involvement in the community revolved around anything to do with my kids. I participated in organizations, such as Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) when they were little and served on the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). I organized school and community fundraisers, church youth and summer camps, ran concessions for high school sports, served on various boards, and drove athletes to out-of-town games. It always came down to “How can I help the school/teacher/church, so the kids’ experiences are the best they can be?”

Do you have a favorite sports team?
Being that I married a huge Miami Dolphins fan 27 years ago, I naturally fell into being a fan too. Along with that, our kids were always involved with sports, so the Lake Placid Dragons will always be one of my favorites, as well as SFSC Panthers. Our daughter was a member of the Lady Panthers Volleyball Team.

Is there something about you that people, generally, don’t know?
When I was in second grade, I started figure skating lessons, which led me to my first leadership role. In sixth grade, I choreographed a skating routine for my little sister and her friends to perform at the school’s talent show. We practiced in our carport and they did it perfectly on the small stage at their elementary school. It is still one of my proudest moments.