Kelly's Bistro by the Bay is now open for breakfast and lunch. Hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Energy Assessment for the Highlands Campus

Trane logoSouth Florida State College is committed to enhancing our campus’ energy efficiency. We are embarking on a project to update our HVAC systems, transitioning to low-energy LED lighting, integrating occupancy sensors in some of our facilities, and harnessing cutting-edge AI technologies to oversee and refine our real-time energy use.

During the next few weeks, our energy services provider, Trane, will be on our Highlands Campus to assess the building systems and infrastructure and identify energy conservation measures (ECMs) aligning with the College’s goals and objectives. Trane personnel will be wearing Vendor IDs. The ultimate goal is to develop a facilities improvement project funded entirely through energy and operational cost savings, eliminating the need for operating or capital budgetary contributions. Our ambition is for every building on our campus to achieve energy efficiency.

Our project with Trane will include, at a later date, a forum for raising energy awareness among SFSC students, faculty, staff, and the community, and is based on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) framework, promoting career pathways that support critical workforce education and provide innovative, hands-on learning experiences leveraging data and technology.