The deadline to submit nominations for the 2023 SFSC Meritorious Service Awards is Wednesday, Oct. 25. Please send your nomination to Ashley Bennett in the President’s Office by noon.
Please use the 2023 Awards Nomination Form to submit your nominations including a brief statement explaining why the person is worthy of consideration. There should be a separate form for each person you wish to nominate. If you are not sure which award an employee is eligible to receive, just write the nomination focusing on the noteworthy qualities of the nominee. For convenience, here is a list of all employees showing their respective employment categories.
Everyone who is nominated for a 2023 Meritorious Service Award will be acknowledged. As in the past, preference will be granted to those nominees who have not previously received that particular award. Please nominate worthy colleagues regardless of this. We want to recognize excellence whenever we find it no matter how often it is demonstrated.