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SFSC Course Receives 100% from Ally

Course Accessibility Score of 100% for First-Year Experience Seminar - SLS 1106 11

SFSC received its first 100% Course Accessibility Score from Ally for Mlisa Manning’s First Year Experience Course. Congratulations, Mlisa! To receive a perfect score, an instructor must ensure all of the course materials, including videos, are accessible. Ally then scans and grades the material on its level of accessibility.

If any instructors need assistance in taking the first steps to make your courses more inclusive for all learners, click one of the Ally Indicators — the color gauges next to your course files — to see how you can improve the accessibility of the file. Your course report is available by clicking on your courses More button and then Ally Report. Learn more about the benefits of accessible content using Ally at Ally Instructor Resources.

Ally Color Gauge Examples