Dr. Chris van der Kaay, dean of institutional research, and Dr. Brent Ferns, dean of applied sciences and technologies, will host two more sessions on artificial intelligence (AI). Register to attend one of these sessions to learn more about AI. Both sessions will be presented through Zoom. The sessions are open to all SFSC employees.
Title:Ā Innovation Unleashed: AI’s Role in Teaching, Learning, and Supporting Higher Education
Date/Time: Friday, Nov. 10, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. and Friday, Dec. 1, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Please note the time change for the Nov. 10 AI session.
Location: Zoom at zoom.us/j/97839684718?pwd=ZFpjWkZ0UTNoM2U1Y2pDSDZzaDJ5Zz09
This session will provide an insightful introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications within higher education. Focusing on AI’s practical and transformative aspects, the workshop explores how this technology can enhance the College’s teaching, learning, and support functions. From personalizing educational experiences to offering data-driven insights, AI presents significant opportunities for innovation and improvement. Participants will be shown demonstrations of AI tools and will leave with a clear understanding of how to consider and approach the integration of AI into their work.
For more information, contact Chris van der Kaay.