Kelly's Bistro by the Bay is now open for breakfast and lunch.

SGA Helps Texas Hurricane Victims

Texas Strong logoThe SFSC Student Government Association (SGA) and Campus Christian Club/FCA are providing relief to families hit hard by Hurricane Harvey in Texas. Consider making a donation today during Club Rush, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Building B, Highlands Campus. Other donation collection bins are located near the SFSC Cashier’s Office in Building B, Community Relations and Marketing Department in Building F, the library in Building Y, and at the Desoto and Hardee campuses and Lake Placid Center. Donations are being accepted through Tuesday, Sept. 5.

Items most needed are cases of water, non-perishable food items, personal items (e.g., wipes, toothpaste, soap), dry dog food, and baby diapers and formula.

For more information, contact Andy Polk, SGA advisor, at ext. 7435 or Melanie Jackson, Campus Christian Club advisor, at ext. 7018.